Roasted Radishes


Does anyone reading remember the television program Faerie Tale Theatre with Shelley Duvall from the mid-1980s? They did these amazing performances of popular fairy tales. Rapunzel was one of my favorites and I have this vivid of memory of the beginning of that episode where Rapunzel’s mother, while pregnant with her, has this intense craving for these special radishes with blue leaves. Her husband, desperate to please her, climbs over the wall into the neighboring witch’s garden to steal the radishes growing there (of course there is a witch living next door). And of course, the husband gets caught by the witch and promises her their first born child. The rest is history — Rapunzel trapped in the tower, long hair, prince…you know, the whole nine yards.

These roasted radishes, more than any other radish dish I’ve ever had, remind me of that fairy tale.

The Recipe

Makes 1 bunch of radishes

1 bunch radishes (red are great; rainbow radishes are a special treat)

2 TSP coconut oil

pinch of salt

freshly ground black pepper

There are two options for preparing these. I like both methods for different reasons (see below). For both preparations, preheat the oven to 400° F.

Method 1: [For crunchier radishes and crunchier browned leaves] Wash radishes with their greens attached and pat dry with a clean dish towel. Toss with coconut oil, lay out on baking sheet/roasting pan and sprinkle with salt and pepper. Roast in the oven for 12-15 minutes.

Method 2: [For caramelized radishes and brighter crispy greens] Wash radishes and pat dry with a clean dish towel. Cut the greens off. Toss radishes with coconut oil, lay out on baking sheet/roasting pan and sprinkle with salt and pepper. Roast in the oven for 15-20 minutes. On a separate baking sheet, toss the greens with 1 TSP extra coconut oil and a little salt and pepper. Bake these for 5-7 minutes (hint: you can put them in the oven when the radishes have about 5 minutes or so left in the oven so you can serve them both hot together).

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  1. I loved that fairy tale theater! Shelley Duvall is so odd. What an equally odd recipe! Can’t wait to try it!

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