Chantarelles and Wedding Bells

Okay, so maybe that post title is slightly cheesy, but today is an exciting day. Same-sex marriage was legalized yesterday in Washington, Maryland, and Maine. This is the first time that same-sex marriage has passed through the popular vote. In my opinion this is long overdue; regardless, today we celebrate! Now ALL of our friends in Seattle can marry if they choose to and have it recognized by the state. And now, my amazing sister, living in Baltimore, can marry if she chooses to. No pressure, Lucy! (Though just imagine the awesome kitchen gadgets you get when you have wedding!)

There are lots of ways to celebrate this victory and the other victories from the election (e.g., Obama, Dream Act in Maryland, legalizing marijuana in Washington and Colorado, etc.), but one of my favorite things at this time of year is the chantarelle mushroom! It was dry much longer than normal this summer and for a minute I thought we weren’t going to get any chantarelles (they need some rain to grow). I’ve been eagerly waiting for them at the vegetable stand, so far to no avail. But they did make an appearance at our local grocery store this past week. I bit the bullet and bought some last night. And aren’t they beautiful? I made them last night while we watched the results come in with some pearl couscous. Pretty good, but not recipe worthy for the blog, I think. Do you have a favorite recipe for chantarelles or other seasonal mushrooms?

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    1. Hmmm… That looks amazing! I’m not sure what I would use for the cream. Maybe an unsweetened soy creamer? Or a particularly creamy unsweetened almond milk? I’ve never used it, but the new egg yolk replacer Vegg might be a good replacement for the egg yolks in this recipe. Apparently they taste eerily like the real thing.

      Now I want creamy chantarelle soup at 6:30 in the morning… Thanks, Lucy!

  1. I’ve never tried chantrelles! What are they good with?

    I was so excited about ref 74 passing! I picked up my boyfriend from work in Capitol Hill that night, and the place was a mad house! The cops had the streets blocked off and everyone was partying and celebrating right there in the middle of Pike St.! It was so incredible to see how joyous and full of love everyone was that night. 🙂

    1. Lindsay–I love the chantarelles in a pasta with only subtle seasonings (the mushrooms themselves are very buttery and mild). Or in a risotto, they are divine!

      I’m jealous! I wish I could have been on Capitol Hill that night! I had some friends who were up there and it sounded so fun. So awesome to see such great news bringing people together to celebrate! 🙂

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