Lemon Basil Dressing / Sauce

We’re coming into basil season! We’ve got a couple of basil plants in the garden that are already booming. As the summer goes on, they should only get bigger and bushier and provide fresh basil all season long. This basil sauce/dressing is raw and served cold. It tastes like a light, refreshing and tangy pesto. […]

Peanut Butter Oatmeal Sandwich Cookies

When I was in New York a while back, staying with my friend Emma, she brought home some cookies from the bakery where she works. They were called ‘Honey Bears’ and were all vegan ingredients, except they contained honey. They were so delicious and I wanted to recreate the recipe when I got home and make them truly […]

Strawberry Rhubarb Sauce

We’re definitely coming into strawberry/rhubarb season. The rhubarb in our garden is getting big and ready to harvest. It’s not quite ready, though, so I bought some rhubarb the other day at the vegetable stand, along with some strawberries (from California). I just couldn’t wait any longer! I brought them home and asked Eric if […]

Guest Post: “Egg” Salad Sandwich

Today we have a guest post from my friend Karen for her awesome vegan ‘egg’ salad sandwich. She made this delightful lunch last week for our weekly date. She has written a lovely preface for the recipe. Thanks, Karen! Katie and I have been getting together weekly, which has been a wonderful treat for me.  She’s […]