En Vogue: From Feathers to Leather

This quarter, I’m teaching a class at University of Washington called ‘En Vogue: From Feathers to Leather’ about human and nonhuman animals in fashion. So far, we have spent the first four weeks focused on theoretical framing for the course and the human costs of the fashion industry, reading and watching documentaries about sweatshop labor, […]

Review of ‘Bleating Hearts’ at The Kind Life

Good morning! Today I have a book review of Bleating Hearts: The Hidden World of Animal Suffering by Mark Hawthorne up at Alicia Silverstone’s site, The Kind Life. I hope you’ll hop on over there to read it. This book is extraordinary. Even as a committed animal advocate, I learned so much from it and […]

Help Launch “Food Chain” Newsletter

  For the last year, I’ve been working with Food Empowerment Project, helping with writing projects and hearing about the great work they are doing to promote a vegan food justice movement. Food Empowerment Project is an amazing organization and they are now asking for your help (and so am I) to launch their brand […]

Anarchism & the Media, Revisited

It’s been a crazy couple of weeks with not so many blog posts (obviously). I just got back from Boston where I attended (and presented at) the Navigating a Multispecies World conference at Harvard. It was a really good conference and I’ll try to share some thoughts on that at a later date, but for now […]

Academic Writing and Scholar-Activism

Posts have been a bit more infrequent than usual here on the blog because I’ve been writing up a storm in the world of academics and, quite frankly, I’m pooped! Last week I spent intensively working on getting a draft of the paper for my talk this year at the annual geographer’s conference (AAG). Another project I’m […]

Help to End Child Slavery

Chocolate is a luxury many of us enjoy quite a lot. For years, I’ve been making a concerted effort to buy ‘Fair Trade Certified’ chocolate, coffee, tea and sugar with the aim of ensuring that producers around the world get a fair wage for the products they grow. Thus, you can imagine my horror when […]

Voting for Justice?

I hope you all are planning to get out and VOTE today! If you haven’t voted yet, read this later and get your behind to the polls! And I hope you’ll think about equality and justice for all while you’re there. These last few weeks in my “Animals, Ethics, and Food” class, we’ve been talking […]