Negotiating Veganism

Negotiating a plant-based diet with friends and family can be one of the biggest challenges of becoming vegan (even more than that initial difficulty of figuring out what to eat!). I imagine this will be a recurring theme on this site because there are surprising ways this issue comes up when it’s least expected. Luckily, […]

Maizy: Super-Veg Dog

I’ve struggled ethically, for quite some time, with the choice of what to feed the animals with whom we share a home. I’ve known that many people feed both dogs and cats a vegan diet and the animals are doing great. And now, especially, there are plenty of vegetarian/vegan dog and cat food options out there. But I still […]

Doctor Who and Vegan Chocolate Chip Cookies

Eric just surprised me with a Doctor Who TARDIS cookie jar (excuse me, biscuit jar, if you’re British) and a Doctor Who mug. A friend and colleague of mine in my department has been walking around showing off her Doctor Who mug for at least the past year or so, and every time I see […]

Raw Fruit/Nut Trail Snacks

We’re thinking of going on a big hike this weekend and, in preparation, I’m (of course) thinking about snacks for the trail. These dried fruit and nut balls rolled in coconut were inspired by my dear friend Karen and her dear sweet boy Oliver. The three of us took Maizy to the dog park the other day […]