Raw Cranberry Orange Relish

For Thanksgiving, there tend to be the three main kinds of cranberry sauce–the pureed smooth gelatin one, the cooked saucy one with the occasional whole cranberry, and the fresh slightly chunky relish variety. Some families go for the gelatinous one in the can, others make a gelatin cranberry sauce from scratch, others are strictly for the cooked […]

Vegan Lip Balm

I might have mentioned it before, but Thursdays are days I set aside to do craft projects with a good friend of mine. We instituted this schedule about 6 weeks ago and have stuck to it, spending at least all afternoon on Thursdays crafting, and often dedicating the whole day to our crafty projects. We […]

Veganize Thanksgiving Recipe Challenge

Thanksgiving is just around the corner and I am already thinking about awesome vegan foods to prepare. Recent recipe posts that would fit nicely on any Thanksgiving table include: mushroom gravy, roasted red potatoes, apple-pear pie and apple-pear crisp. I’m ready to take on a challenge! What Thanksgiving dish would you like to see veganized? […]

Roasted Red Potatoes

These are one of the simplest preparations for roasted potatoes. You can make any kind of potatoes this way. If the potatoes are large, cut them into chunks. I used the teeniest tiniest baby red potatoes and so I did not cut them, but for normal baby red potatoes you may want to halve them or […]

Mushroom Gravy

When we had our first vegan Thanksgiving at our house a few years ago, for 20+ guests, one of Eric’s family members brought buckets of vegan mushroom gravy. It was such a hit–so creamy and rich and satisfying–that I was determined to recreate it. I wasn’t able to get the recipe for the exact gravy that […]

General Exam: Day 4

Well, it’s over. Thank goodness. Yesterday was a rough day. I literally sat down at 6am and did not do anything else (not even a walk around the block for poor Maizy) until 7pm last night. My only breaks were to grab some snacks from the fridge and let Maizy out in the backyard to […]

General Exam: Day 3

Today was the third day/ third question for my general exam. I woke up at 5am this morning, which was a nice improvement on waking up at 3:30 am the past two days. I felt pretty well-rested and ready to start writing. I’ve been enjoying all of the snacks I prepared for the week, but […]

General Exam: Day 1

Today was the first of four days of my general exams. The generals are the exams which allow you to advance to ‘candidacy’ for the PhD in our department. When/if I pass them, I will get to put a PhC after my name! In other departments, I believe this is sometimes called ABD (All But Dissertation). In […]